What Are the Best Breeds of Cats for People with Pet Allergies?

When it comes to owning a pet, many of you dream of having a cute and cuddly companion. Cats, known for their independent yet affectionate nature, often make the perfect pet choice. However, pet allergies can often be a major roadblock for many of you. Being allergic doesn’t mean you must forego your dreams of owning a cat. Say hello to hypoallergenic cats! Now, some of you might be wondering, ‘What does hypoallergenic even mean?’ In the simplest terms, hypoallergenic cats are breeds that are less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

In this piece, we will delve into the best hypoallergenic cat breeds for individuals with pet allergies. We will discuss what makes them hypoallergenic, their unique features, and why they might be the perfect fit for you or your family. Let’s get started.

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Understanding Pet Allergies

Before we begin exploring hypoallergenic cat breeds, it’s essential to understand what pet allergies are. Most of you believe you’re allergic to the cat’s hair or fur. While it’s true that cat fur can transport allergens, it’s not the root cause. Cat allergies are typically caused by a protein called Fel d 1, produced in the cat’s skin and saliva.

When cats groom themselves, this protein gets deposited on their fur. As the cat sheds its fur or dander, these allergens become airborne and can cause symptoms like sneezing, wheezing, or a runny nose. So, when we refer to hypoallergenic cats, we’re talking about breeds that produce lower levels of this particular allergenic protein.

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The Rex Breeds: Devon and Cornish

Now, let’s discuss the first on our list – the Rex breeds. Renowned for their short, curly coat, Rex cats, specifically the Devon and Cornish breeds, are a popular choice among individuals with allergies.

The unique coat of these cats is not just for show. It plays a significant role in reducing allergens. The curly fur of the Rex breeds tends to hold onto the dander and the Fel d 1 protein, which means less of it gets released into the air. Moreover, these breeds have a reputation for being less likely to provoke an allergic response due to their naturally low Fel d 1 levels. Their playful and outgoing personality is just a bonus.

Siberian Cats

Moving onto the next breed, we have the Siberian cats. If you’re someone who loves long-haired cats but is burdened with allergies, Siberian cats might just be your savior.

Despite their lush, full coat, Siberian cats are known to carry lower levels of the Fel d 1 protein. Surprisingly, male Siberians, particularly neutered ones, have the lowest levels. Their hearty build and expressive eyes make them a wonderful addition to any home. Besides, their playful and affectionate nature is hard to resist.

The Balinese Cat

The Balinese cat, often referred to as the “long-haired Siamese,” is another breed that allergy sufferers should consider.

Similar to the Siberian cats, despite their long coat, Balinese cats produce fewer allergens. This seemingly counterintuitive fact is because, like the other breeds mentioned, the Balinese breed also produces lower levels of the Fel d 1 protein. Besides, their striking blue eyes, silky coat, and affectionate nature make them an excellent pet for families.

The Siamese Cat

Last but not least on our list is the Siamese cat. Known for their short, fine coat, Siamese cats are less likely to shed and distribute dander around your home.

While the breed does produce the Fel d 1 protein, the lack of excessive grooming due to their short coats limits the amount that gets onto their fur and subsequently into the environment. Not to mention, their striking features and sociable nature have made Siamese cats a favorite among cat enthusiasts.

Remember, "hypoallergenic" does not mean 100% allergen-free. The breeds mentioned here simply produce fewer allergens. Consequently, individuals with severe allergies should spend time with a cat of the breed they are considering before bringing one home. Also, regular grooming, keeping your home clean, and creating pet-free zones can assist in managing your allergies more effectively. With thoughtfulness and proper care, you could enjoy the companionship of a cat without the incessant sneezing and wheezing.

Russian Blue Cats

As we continue our dive into the world of hypoallergenic cats, the Russian Blue breed deserves a special mention. This cat breed is a top choice for those with allergies, due to its lower-than-average production of the Fel d 1 protein.

Russian Blue cats are easily identified by their dense, plush, and silvery-blue coat. What’s interesting about this breed is, despite their thick fur, they shed less than other breeds, reducing the number of allergens in your home. Although their fur is short, it’s double-layered, offering another layer of protection against dispersing dander.

They are known to be a bit reserved, but don’t let that deter you. Once a Russian Blue warms up to you, they can be very affectionate and loyal. These cats also tend to be quite intelligent, making them easy to train. Weighing between 7 to 12 pounds and standing at an average height of 8 to 10 inches, they can easily become a comfortable addition to any family.

Remember, like other hypoallergenic cat breeds, the term "hypoallergenic" here implies a lower potential for allergic reactions, not a complete absence of allergens. Thus, spending time with a Russian Blue before making a commitment is advisable for people with severe allergies.

The Oriental Shorthair Breed

The last breed on our list is the Oriental Shorthair. This breed is an excellent choice for allergy sufferers due to its short and fine coat, which sheds less dander into the environment.

The Oriental Shorthair breed is recognized by its sleek body, almond-shaped eyes, and large ears. They come in a stunning variety of over 300 different colors and patterns, making each cat unique in their way. Typically, an Oriental Shorthair cat weighs between 6 to 12 pounds and stands about 9 to 11 inches in height, making them a perfect lap-size companion.

Aside from their hypoallergenic qualities, these cats are known for their affectionate and social nature. They are incredibly interactive and enjoy being the center of attention. However, they do require lots of mental and physical stimulation, so prepare for plenty of playtime.


Being an allergy sufferer shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the love and companionship a pet can offer. With several hypoallergenic cat breeds in existence, from the curly-haired Devon and Cornish Rex breeds to the stunning Russian Blue and sociable Oriental Shorthair, there are certainly numerous options available.

Remember, hypoallergenic doesn’t mean allergen-free. It’s always advisable for individuals with severe allergies to spend time with a breed before deciding to bring one home. Regular grooming, cleanliness, and maintaining pet-free zones in the home can also aid in managing allergies more effectively.

Once you find the right breed, you can finally experience the joy of owning a cat without the constant sneezing, itching, or wheezing. After all, pets bring a certain warmth to our lives that is hard to replicate. With these hypoallergenic breeds, your dream of owning a cat might indeed become a reality.

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